Thursday, 23 December 2010

Shun Goku SANTA

I've had the urge to do some Street Fighter fanart for days, but then I thought "I should probably do something christmassy as well".

So I Potara'd that shit.

Some might call it lazy, I call it efficient.

Happy holidays!

Friday, 10 December 2010

Dear Blog...

Hey baby.  I know I been neglectin' you these past couple months, but look!  I brought treats!

Saturday, 6 November 2010

That will be ALL, Pennyworth.

Grant Morrison is the best thing that's ever happened to Batman.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010


Here's a commission I did for the creator of WOMO, one of the coolest vinyl toys to hit the scene recently.  His website's going up at the end of the month, so you should get in on the ground floor, so you can be one of those guys who were into WOMO when it was still Indie.

You've no chance of getting a preorder one, though.  I snagged the last one.  HA!

Anyway, here's the pic:

Click for full-size, ya confoundits.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Audit has begun!

Take a look over to the right.  See that link there?  That's a link to my new ongoing comics project Audit.

Start reading now, cause there's a lot more to come!

Monday, 19 July 2010

Wolfman Investigations Comic

The past month or so, I've been illustrating an 8-page comic for Wolfman Investigations,

It's been massively educational and my largest professional undertaking yet.  The client has been kind enough to let me put up a sneak preview so I can prove I've not been sat on my arse doing nothing the past few weeks.

So without further ado:

It's well worth checking out the show, since it's by the very talented people behind How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse.

Script by Ben Muir
Art by yours truly with lettering courtesy of Nate Piekos

Friday, 16 July 2010

Robot Fall Down...


Here's a sketch from the Audit production sketchbook I started recently.  I'm following Skottie Young's recent advice and keeping schtum on details for now.  I want a lot of people to be hit completely out of left-field by this premise.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Barbarian Chef

Have a drawing.

This is a warrior chef dedicated to tracking down the rarest and most dangerous-to-obtain ingredients in his search for the perfect flavour.

You'll be seeing more of this fella in the future.  Who knows, he might even have a name by then.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Shark Attack Sneak Peek!

It's no secret that my primary passion is comic books, and my fondest wish is to have my own stories published and out there, even if only a dozen people end up reading it.

But you can't get anywhere in this vicious comic book dojo without bloodying your knuckles (metaphorically.  Unless you're David Choe.)

Here's a sneak preview of a short comic I've been working on between official projects.

Story and drawings by me, colours by my secret weapon.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Audit's Bluedog Wintergreen

Here's a pin-up from a personal comics project I'm working on, called Audit (working title).

This is the main character, Bluedog Wintergreen, one of a cadre of assassins working on curtailing the increasing tide of chaos brought on by an exponentially increasing number of superheroes, renegade ninja clans and giant monsters.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Fashion is Dead

Here's a T-shirt design I made for indie darling zombie movie Colin.

The shirt's coming out via Zombie Aid's upcoming clothing label, the film itself is available from the website.

Friday, 30 April 2010

Thought I'd upload some of the character turnarounds I've been doing for Zombelina.  There's more than just these, but who wants to have a good story spoiled for them, eh?

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Bit of Jack Kirby fanboy joy to wrap up the day's work.

G'night, folks.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


I've been taken on to handle the design and storyboard side of Zombelina, a short stop-motion animation based on the story by Leighroy Marsh, author of the delightful Maya And The Hairy Plug Monster.

You can find out more about it here.

There's also a group on facebook you can join here to keep up on how things are going.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Freak Road

So, I've had a concept for a webcomic germinating in my brain for a while by the name of Freak Road; a meditation on urban legend and lifestyle, within the milieu of a character-driven "cartoon crime drama".

Freak Road is essentially me trying to congeal all my personal influences and secret socio-philosophical theories into a complete concept, with the result hopefully being something that's uniquely me.  I don't wanna give away too much detail, but I'm really excited about where it's going.

Anyway, here's some character doodles.

I've been toying with a new colouring style, and I'm enjoying it so much it's almost obscene.  Easy to learn, difficult to master, and ridiculously versatile.

There'll be a lot more of this, wait and see.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Here's a quick warm-up I did today.  From start to finish, it took a hair under 3 hours.

Wouldn't it be awesome if someone made a new TMNT comic series in the vein of the original old-school comix from the eighties?  I'd love to see the turtles act like real Inner-city teenagers with ninja skills, dispensing foul-mouthed vigilante justice in between trying to obtain booze without ID or going to see obscure hardcore bands in dive bars.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Evil Pixie Commission

Here's a logo I did for start-up photography studio Evil Pixie.  Completely coincidentally, the pixie apparently is the spit of the guy who runs the company, so it worked out pretty well!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

I've been working without ink recently in order to give the lineart a rougher energy that I think works quite well.  I'm still refining the technique but I love the effect to bits and I can't wait to put it to work on a big project.

Thursday, 18 February 2010


Here's a commission done for Drum-fiend and all-around Welsh person, Sion Hopes.

Friday, 12 February 2010

How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse!

Here's a recently completed pin-up for improv troupe How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse.

Click for a bigger view!

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Mm... Photogenic...

I've been doing a fair few of these recently, taking snapshots from various parties and drawing onto them to make some fun little gags.

I've been forcing myself to do these only in Sketchbook Pro, and the interface makes it seem so much more fun than the weird robot art-factory of photoshop.  Although I do love Photoshop.

Thursday, 7 January 2010


UPDATE!  Shirts are now up for sale on the link below, running at €9.99 per, with all kinds of cheap shipping options.  Snap one up, why not?

I tend to knock out t-shirt designs when I'm bored, but don't have the energy to do more demanding work.

You'll find some of these on Dzine Clothing, and they should be available to purchase by February.

More to follow.